Saturday, May 7, 2011

18 to 27

from today...

18.  sound and sight of my first Blue Jay of the spring, on our land where we are building
19.  friends who stop by unexpectedly to help us with clean up
20.  short visit over a cup of coffee with a good friend
21.  working alongside of my man
22.  the willows are getting green, and you can see it when you look against the sky
23.  light rain gives way to a beautiful warm spring day
24.  a sense of awe as I work in the house we are building, realizing again what God is doing and will do with it!
25.  celebrating goodness in a friends life as she graduates
26.  being reminded of how God works through caring groups of friends
27.  a sore back makes me realize the importance of health

Thursday, May 5, 2011

May 5

13.  wind through the trees
14.  the beauty of the song birds songs
15.  the joy of women hearing about a place to go and retreat to
16.  sunshine covering me as I sit and read by a window
17.  awaking to a new day - once again the Lord has given me breath!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

the list begins

In life, some people write about the things on their BUCKET LISTS or in otherwords the places they want to go to/see before they die.  After reading ONE THOUSAND GIFTS by Ann Voskamp, and in conversation about this book with my friend Josie, we have both been inspired to make our own "lists of 1000 gifts" to help us become intentional about life - about seeing God throughout our day - about being thankful for not what we want but what we have and often (really) take for granted.  Thus - my list has begun ....  

 1.  snuggling with my grandson and smelling his freshly shampoo'd hair
 2.  the sound of the coffee maker and the cup of coffee my man brings to me as I soak in the tub
 3.  the strong smell of pine trees as I walk
 4.  the sight of chickadees enjoying our feeder at the land
 5.  my grandson's belly laugh
 6.  seeing a mom walking to school with her son, pulling a wagon full of easter goodies for the class
 7.  the sound of geese
 8.  sitting around the campfire with my kids
 9.  the hug of good friends
10. looking up Scripture that God has whispered to me
11. exercising even when my body is in pain and feeling better after
12. laughing with my sweetheart until the tears run down our faces

Monday, May 2, 2011

My own list of 1000 gifts

(for the sake of reference - if you want background to this blog - see  posting on May 2, 2011 for the background to this blog)

This idea is not my own.  In fact, this blog overflows from my heart upon reading the chapters of Ann Voskamp's book One Thousand Gifts.  It is in this book that she "beckons you to leave the parched ground of pride, fear and white-knuckle control and abandon yourself to the God who overlows your cup."  (from the back cover of her book by the same title)  "She gently teaches you how to biblically lament loss, turning pain into poetry; intentionally embrace a lifestyle of radical gratitude; and slow down and catch God in the moment!"

This dear friend - is my blog wherein I am choosing to post the things that blesses my heart - and helps me to see God's fingerprint on my life.  I want to slow down.  I want to be intentional in how I live and to live with a heart open to experiencing HIM in the everyday! 

I have started to write down some of the "gifts" ...    perhaps you have a few of your own.... maybe even a 1000+

Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good!! His love endures for ever!!